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About Us.

About I Can't Sports.

Our "I Can't Team” is on a mission to serve as many vulnerable children as God sees fit. 

Individual members of our team started serving in Africa in 2014 and came together, in 2017, to provide an education, food, clothes, medical care & more to orphans and vulnerable children. 

“I Can’t Sports” was created provide our team members resources to continue to care for vulnerable children on the ground in Kenya.

Our Commitment: Contribute at least 20% of your purchases directly to, which serves vulnerable children in Western Kenya. SOAR Africa also operates the first of five planned schools God instructed them to launch.

More About Us.

The Power of the
“I Can’t  Sports” Logo

The Truth About “I Can’t”
Regardless of what anyone tells you or what you believe about ourselves, the power of “I Can’t” comes from Jesus and Philippians  4:13, “I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.
Our “I Can’t Sports” logo allows you to share with the world your belief in Resurrection Power which is in all of us.
People often will tell us, “You Can’t” and we believe them … or we use these words to inspire us to succeed. Ultimately, we must rely on the power of Philippians 4:13 which allows us to find our purpose and carry out His will.

Our Story

During Easter week 2023, Bob, one of our team members, was asked to speak at the "Winning"  Ushindi Church Youth Conference, in Eldoret, Kenya. After weeks of researching & praying, Bob was getting frustrated as trying to come up with the message for the youth. He was "losing" his battle to come up with the "Winning" message.

Finally, on Good Friday, God gave Bob the inspiration for his messsage ... I Can't.  We can't alone. Power of "I Can't" is replacing the 't with the "Power of the Cross". Jesus' "Resurrection Power". 


"I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Philippians 4:13.


The "I Can't" concept & logo went over so well the youth wanted shirts made. Even after the conference, whenever we shared the "I Can't" message & logo people loved it & suggestion should market the concept, as they too wanted shirts. 


Our team of committed missionaries thought this could be a great way to support & grow our passion to serve vulnerable children.  So, we created "I Can't Sports & Ministries" to help us better serve these impoverished children while working on the ground in Africa. 


"I Can't Sports & Ministries" also pledges to contribute at least 20% of your purchases directly to  SOAR Africa is an organization founded by two "I Can't Team Members" in 2017.

Our Beginning

On March 9, 2017, Bob Casper heard God tell him to start five schools.. Then, Bob went to work the same day and was laid off. He knew right away his God given mission was to serve in Africa. 

In April 2023, Bob was asked to speak to a youth conference in Eldoret, Kenya. God gave him the powerful message of "I Can't" and Philippians 4:13.

Our Team.

Our team came together started to form in 2017 when we were asked to care for Naaman, a 12-year-old boy who needed a prosthetic leg. 


Our mission has grown & we now serve many children in rural Western Kenya. Our passion is to take vulnerable children, who live in horrific conditions, & provide them with “The Pathway Out of Poverty” … 

An Education, Medical Care, Food & Clothing.

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